The mere appearance of conflict is enough to demand the SCOTUS justices recuse themselves. Since they are executing an agenda that’s been bought & paid for by Dark money & the Federalist Society, we, the people, need to demand our elected officials hold the justices accountable for any actual or perceived ethics violations.

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Great piece, America, what a country, we can and should be so much more if it weren't for people being selfish.

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By the way, I love this article. Good job and the brutal honesty is awesome!!!!!!!! HAVENT WE ALL HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF THIS GARBAGE

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My BULLSHIT METER BROKE IN 2016. I had to pull out the big guns, MY BRAIN. Now my head hurts.

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The Supreme Court of Justice,

would be more accurately renamed as :

The Subordinate Underbelly of Grifters.

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Cont... public scrutiny just hand in their gavels, retire, jump off a freckin cliff I don’t care, and they don’t have to go home but they gotta go! This cannot stand in these United States and still be called a democracy. No. Of course the gap is growing ever wider between rich and poor but this is a bridge to far! This is the most shameful debacle in this century including Trumps election. Something must be done about this. And soon!

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This is outrageous! All of it! Why aren’t “the powers that be” up in arms over this? Why? This complacency going on for twenty years and with all our wonderful investigative reporters it takes an obscure little news outlet to do the work and bring this out into the light. Let me remind these “religious” folks, little note here, Catholics aren’t encouraged to read their bible, and evangelicals who are encouraged do not, or read it wrong, let me remind these folks that their bible says, “what is done in the dark is brought to the light.” They maybe pretending, as other so called “Christian’s” to be guided by the church but they cannot point to one sentence said in the NT about abortion, gays, trans etc...it’s a prop.

What enrages me is that our highest court in the land, the one that makes the final decision, is already bought and paid for. Both Elito and Thomas, who by the way should’ve never passed muster, should be relieved of duty! There must be someone or some group that has the power to do this. Confronted with these dishonorable, despicable, disgusting, immoral, unlawful facts they would, to avoid public

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