The mere appearance of conflict is enough to demand the SCOTUS justices recuse themselves. Since they are executing an agenda that’s been bought & paid for by Dark money & the Federalist Society, we, the people, need to demand our elected officials hold the justices accountable for any actual or perceived ethics violations.

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Also, it not just women they’re after. They want to squash anything that threatens the white, patriarchal status quo of the USA.

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Great piece, America, what a country, we can and should be so much more if it weren't for people being selfish.

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By the way, I love this article. Good job and the brutal honesty is awesome!!!!!!!! HAVENT WE ALL HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF THIS GARBAGE

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My BULLSHIT METER BROKE IN 2016. I had to pull out the big guns, MY BRAIN. Now my head hurts.

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Me too. No more cable news after that

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The Supreme Court of Justice,

would be more accurately renamed as :

The Subordinate Underbelly of Grifters.

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Cont... public scrutiny just hand in their gavels, retire, jump off a freckin cliff I don’t care, and they don’t have to go home but they gotta go! This cannot stand in these United States and still be called a democracy. No. Of course the gap is growing ever wider between rich and poor but this is a bridge to far! This is the most shameful debacle in this century including Trumps election. Something must be done about this. And soon!

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This is outrageous! All of it! Why aren’t “the powers that be” up in arms over this? Why? This complacency going on for twenty years and with all our wonderful investigative reporters it takes an obscure little news outlet to do the work and bring this out into the light. Let me remind these “religious” folks, little note here, Catholics aren’t encouraged to read their bible, and evangelicals who are encouraged do not, or read it wrong, let me remind these folks that their bible says, “what is done in the dark is brought to the light.” They maybe pretending, as other so called “Christian’s” to be guided by the church but they cannot point to one sentence said in the NT about abortion, gays, trans etc...it’s a prop.

What enrages me is that our highest court in the land, the one that makes the final decision, is already bought and paid for. Both Elito and Thomas, who by the way should’ve never passed muster, should be relieved of duty! There must be someone or some group that has the power to do this. Confronted with these dishonorable, despicable, disgusting, immoral, unlawful facts they would, to avoid public

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Is it complacency or participation

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A lot of it has been complacency. There were a few abortion rights folks that were ringing the alarm bells, begging Congress to codify Roe, but others thought they were being alarmist, hysterical & look what happened.

And then there’s Leonard Leo, the Heritage Society, The Federalist Society, Americans Defending Freedom, Heartbeat International & so many other orgs that have played the long game. They’ve been gradually putting very conservative Christian judges & other officials in place over the course of the last 50 yrs, but they kept quiet & flew under the radar.

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Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”

Benjamin Franklin

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Exactly! Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

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“The powers that be” are not up in arms about this because it’s what they want. First they had to get rid of women’s rights (because women should not have the same rights as men, of course), but their goal is to have corporate/business interests in charge of the government. That’s what they’re doing. They want the whole country to run around them to make sure that they rake in all the money. They want it all.

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And yes, women to the Republican Party are like veterans, useless to them when they’re no longer needed. Like I said, they’re not going by a belief in their faith, which isn’t supposed to be done in the first place, they aren’t.because they only know what they’ve heard from the Veggie Tales cartoons they make their children watch. They’re as backward as the Taliban and would treat women like chattel if they could-they’re taking our right one by one. Thinking we won’t notice

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Absolutely they are!! As to Walgreens: when I heard that all those AGs in abortion ban states threatened them to stop selling the mefipristone, even in states where abortion was still legal & that Walgreens caved I vowed I’d never spend another dime with them

My Walgreens here in NM in a smaller town is only about ¾ mi from my house, but I notified my PCP to move all my prescriptions to the small independent pharmacy on the other side of town. I haven’t set foot in there since, not even for a pack of gum.

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And thanks to the uninterrupted corruption in DC, our representatives and high court justices, they DO get it all. Never had the gap between the rich and poor been bigger and the poor, and I know poor, don’t even realize they’re being paid like a fiddle. They tell me when I mention fair taxing of corporations and the rich in general they get as upset as if I’d said something bad about their mother or something. They act personally insulted. They say, “ if we tax the wealthy investors to high they won’t create jobs for us!” NEWS FLASH! That’s the trickle down effect used by Regan in the eighties and they haven’t felt a drop-and they won’t because when jobs are created, here in tech land, they bring in HB1 visa workers from India and China, then they also provide their spouses with a job to make it one big happy working family. I do have nothing against immigration, no. It’s just to say they are creating jobs-just not for Americans as they promised.

I live in the middle of Silicon Valley, I see the google and other buses pick up three kids in morning and bring back three loads at night. Imm not blaming the hb1 workers at all, it’s the lord told by our politicians, especially republicans about why we “shouldn’t raise capital gains tax,” why we should handle them with Kidd gloves. The corruption at the top has to go!

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You nailed it. There are so many problems that could be fixed (and some that are easy to fix, like abortion rights. Women are people too!), but they do nothing. Except culture war BS. I’m really hopeful for the next election because if enough people vote, we can resolve these problems. I don’t know if you mean corruption at the top as in Biden, but these problems have been building since Reagan and it’s time to turn the ship around. I don’t blame him although he did some dimwitted things like agreeing not to send more money to the IRS, that just infuriates me. And letting the pipeline and environmental destruction go through that have no right to pass, you know climate change is bad! And then the supreme court, they are insanely corrupt… or brainwashed.

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Those corrupt SOBs on the scotus are not brainwashed. The are very smart conniving ppl who actually have control over every aspect of our lives. These 9 unelected folks with lifetime appointments have the final say on everything.

I got pissed off when the Dobbs decision got leaked & my anger hasn’t diminished one iota since then. We women are fed up with other people (mostly men) making decisions for us.

We simply must get a big Democratic majority in both Houses & keep Biden in the WH & then demand that they fix this sh*t!!!!

At a minimum Thomas & Alito should be impeached.

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Sorry auto correct changed some of my words like “kids” and “lord” were meant to be something else.

But no I don’t mean Biden, he’s one of the few uncorrupted in DC, it’s a systemic corruption at the highest levels meaning. for one of the most powerful, our Supreme Court, we can’t vote them out, they’re appointed for life, and other career DC staff that aide in the corruption making it possible, they risk nothing, they aren’t voted in. And democrat extreme progressives while they aren’t corrupt they need to calm dow a little but besides the high court the Republican Party has the owes standards ever thanks to Donald Trump, his bottom level speeches and acts have killed that party, it’s unrecognizable from twenty years ago or even a year before Trump. Don’t forget the Iraq invasion, costing lives and trillions of dollars all for the greed of a few at the top-it ruined our respect in the world, it caused the deaths and crippling of hundreds of thousands, to remove a dictator who basically kept the terrorist out. A war based on bogus unreliable intel-I don’t believe Bush was a bad person but he was to weak in character to be President. He was to easily persuaded by Cheney and Rumsfeld. All for contracts for Cheneys, he was CEO of, Halliburton and they got all the “no bid” contracts to supply the troops and did a poor job. Do you think Cheney and the rest didn’t hold stock in Halliburton? Oh they all did, those already wealthy beyond measure. By doing this, invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 attack, they created a different world, created isis, and all terrorist groups by Cheneys enhanced interrogations-torture, and a twenty year war. It’s on them. I cringe every time o think about it. We had a surplus, no national debt when Clinton left office. Instead of rebuilding our infrastructure they let it crumble in favor of that invasion. It started us on the path we’re on today.

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I may be older than you, because I think it started with Reagan when California started that “we don’t wanna pay taxes” bullshit and then that went federal. There’s always plenty of money for the very rich and weapons manufacturers, while we the people go without. They have wiped out the middle class and millions of people are suffering, while Repugnant politicians are worried about trans people, culture war bullshit. It infuriates me. Too bad they didn’t get abortion and the citizens united decision changed by legislation during Biden’s first two years. The funny thing is, the majority of Americans want legal abortion and money out of politics. Both sides agree on that (except for the extreme wackos). Makes me sick. I’ve got a link to a place where we can prove scientifically people are better off under Democratic administrations, but I can’t tell the world. They wouldn’t listen to me or the guy who made the charts!

The supreme court needs to be expanded or something, (they’ve done it before). They are screwing us over every which way they can think to do it. Horrible decisions and corruption in broad daylight.

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Yes, Yes, & Yes 👏 At the expense of sounding like a broken record; anyone who cares about our rights & fixing the scotus really needs to read Elie Mystal’s book “Allow Me to Retort” or get the audiobook so that you get to hear Ellie’s passionate voice read it to you. Elie also has his own podcast out now called “Contempt of Court” & there’s a 1 hr episode on Chris Hayes podcast Why is This Happening. Elie is fired up about changing the court & reinterpreting the constitution because as he points out, when that document was written & the body of the SC arrived at, women & black people weren’t really taken into account, & I agree

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I agree with you on all fronts and I remember Regan and his trickle down plan that the right fell for but I didn’t follow as much-working full time-school part time-two kids all the time and I live in California now, have been since 2010, but I’m from NC where I was living when Regan was gov and then President. It was like moving to a different country-or planet when my husband and I moved here to CA especially when we moved to the Bay Area. Cost of living here is wiping us out and if not for our middle aged children and our grands we’d have never moved. Anyone who’s lived in CA their entire life doesn’t realize how the CA government gets over on them, and cost of living, gas was 2$ more a gallon when we came, probably more now, grocery cost are way higher here, it almost feels like Rape. Rape of your lively hood or right to live a good life unless you’re ultra wealthy. They let housing cost soar unrestrained here-allowing wealthy people from other countries come in and slap down the cash for above market cost, leaving Californians no option

but to rent like we pay $4,000 monthly for an apartment in north San Jose. It’s insane. We should be living great but not here. Californians, most at least, are fooled into thinking it’s worse everywhere because they’re so progressive here but that’s a facade. There are more white supremest groups here than anywhere in the country-also, more guns were sold here last year than in Texas. It’s a big state, we owned a nice home in San Bernardino county and moved up here when husbands DOD contract ran out, we wanted to live right by our babies but had no idea how expensive it is. Also, unless it’s changed, California is the only state left that still tax military retirement. The AG here pretending to welcome immigrants the were flown here from Florida and Texas when there’s already, I don’t know how many thousands, living in tents under bridges, they let them stay a while then move them out and clean up after when it get dangerously a mess if you know what I mean. I believe they’re more corrupt here than in DC, people just don’t realize it. The AG sues and sues and sues but most of the time he is t clear about why. And what do they do with the money, no one here holds them accountable either, they say they’re suing Walgreens because Walgreens won’t break the law in states that don’t allow the abortion pill, but they’re just preening, they have a contract with Walgreens. They have no basis this time to sue them but it gets them votes to say they are. I get that yes it should be legal federally. But firstly no doctor will write the script and lose license, secondly, pharmacies must follow the law of the state they’re in, that and morning after pill should be legal for women but politicians using it and pretending they can punish them, when they can’t, is just as bad. They’ve sued to the point suicide is now epidemic among chronic pain patients-they can’t get their pain meds. Somebody at the top got rich years ago from bribery and the rich-poor gap is worse here than any place in the country. Sorry so long. I got started and can’t stop. I also agree Biden should’ve pushed for more Supreme Court justices-or at least something to hold them accountable for corruption.

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