Since vasectomies are reversible, how about the red state lawmakers, judges, prosecutors, and clerics force every young man to have one until he’s emotionally and financially fit to be a father. Imagine that. Regulating a man’s body.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by ClaudiaLong

I'm an abortion rights activist in Kansas. Many of the protesters here reject the pro-life label and call themselves abolitionists, advocating no exceptions to abortion bans. They are also religious zealots for the most part who constantly tell those who disagree with them that their magic sky daddy will be judging all of us one day. Reason does not exist in these peoples' universes.

The group of clinic defenders I belong to has taken to protesting on Sunday mornings at the churches these people attend. We've actually driven two of them from the churches they were involved with. It is hugely satisfying and I recommend it as a technique everywhere. Do the same thing they do to patients ... be an unwelcome and intrusive presence at an event they consider important.

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Hmmmm. So if a man has a limp dick then that must be God’s will. When are the little blue pills getting outlawed?

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I have to say it, if the Democrats had not been so timid, so unconcerned and showed such a failure to act , when they had the opportunity , this tragic turn of events might have been avoided. Did they write abortion rights into law? Did they ban assault rifles? Did they curtail the accumulation of power in the office of the president? Did they promote the rights of unions and workers? Did their own Attorney General quickly and vigorously investigate and prosecute the leaders of J6? Did they take any action to dial back the corruption in all levels of government? Only now, with Joe Biden as leader, are Democrats acting like Democrats, after decades of trying to out republican the republicans. Maybe the extreme right did us a favor in reminding us what happens when they are given too much power. ( okay they cheated or stole some of the power they now have.)

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A pregnant person’s healthcare has been top of my mind amongst the many calamities we’ve endured in the last few years. Let’s rebrand pro-life(ers) and call them pro-birth(ers) in print, to their faces, at every turn, to remind them of their repugnant forced beliefs on others. There is nothing pro-life about them. For my entire lifetime, abortion healthcare had been legal, until recently, and something we could all rely on to stay alive and even thrive. But no more. The last three Supreme Court Justice nominees lied in their confirmation hearings and assured us that this was settled law of the land. Through their actions, repubs are letting us know that we can’t have nice things and the life and emotional well being of the pregnant person is secondary or non-existent. There’s so much shame put on women and the functions of their bodies. Women have been raised to give it all away and simultaneously be ashamed of their bodies. It’s exhausting. We have to take back our power now or risk living in some twisted mash-up of 1984 and the Handmaid’s Tale. It sounds grim, but it could get worse if we don’t stand up now. Here’s what I’ve been wondering about: we know that doctors must have an active medical license to be able to practice medicine. In some states, where elected officials and lawyers are now legislating draconian power over women’s bodies, and making medical decisions on their behalf, are they now practicing medicine without a license? If this is the case, shouldn’t said officials be required to go through the same hoops as doctors to obtain a license, or be fined/punished/jailed for not having a medical license? Could this type of challenge happen in the courts? Also, could a family sue the elected officials/lawyers (making those health decisions) if the pregnancy goes south and it results in loss of life? Seems appropriate, since they’ve taken the decision-making away from the pregnant person and their doctor. Over the years, repubs took full advantage of vulnerabilities in the court system to pass anti-abortion legislation. The gloves need to come off and we need to be just as clever, thinking outside the box, beating them at their own game and turning the tables on those who thought banning abortion healthcare (to control women and their bodies) was a good idea. We must vote like our lives depend on it, win and pass legislation to insure this can’t and won’t happen again.

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Take control of your body by taking control of your local politics in 2024. From School Board all the way up to the Oval office.

No longer accept religious beliefs that make your female rights as subservient to that religions controlling dogma.

Get involved, get motivated, and vote the anti-choice out of office and demand your rights in your choice of religion

Be heard.

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It’s hard to comprehend but it comes down to them supporting dead babies over live women. Pro-life my a$$.

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Pre-born?! I loathe these terms that anti-abortion nuts come up with, though I know it appeals to the dumbest among them. I guess “clump of cells that aren’t a viable human being” though true doesn’t have the same tug on the emotions.

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I imagine that Margaret Atwood is having the last laugh, since so many people considered her book, The Handmaid’s Tale, a dystopian fiction that could never happen here.

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These men are sadists who can only get off on seeing women in pain.

The maternal death rate in Texas has risen to 23% since the Texas ban was enacted. THAT’S ALMOST 1/4 OF ALL PREGNANCIES!

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This is an issue that our fathers, brothers, husbands and lovers need to get behind. Men are involved in family planning and child rearing and are being affected by these draconian laws. It’s way past time that we see a movement by men that advocates for freedom of choice.

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2024 is going to be "the year of the woman". They better stay out of our way because they're gonna get ran over if they don't. We're taking the country back, and we won't even need guns.

#Women'sLivesMatter. #WLM.

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Evidence that this is about dominance is in the statement, “Every child is uniquely precious and should continue to be protected in law no matter how long or short the baby’s life may be.” Efforts to better protect children by law & provide good quality of life are not being made, only these forced births that are probably the worse thing you can do to a child, bringing them into a life where they are not wanted.

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Separation of church and state‼️‼️‼️ I can’t fathom how we have come back to this point of women’s lives being controlled by ultra fanatical and insane hideous controlling Religious old men & women who have their heads up their asses and live in evil times of incredulous inhumanity and fall backwards in all regards. I’m presuming that the men and women in this type of cultish rigidity have pea-sized brains that contain one neural pathway, if that. Mental illness is real people 🤗 And these power-driven heathens need to be put away in life long mental institutions.

Human rights and equality are a given. And our laws aren’t withholding given appointed, good old boys that believe the only truth is their truth. I would like it if they would build a man made island and become isolated, stranded and live by themselves and others who have the same ONE neural pathway. Sail away to your own crazy island 🏝️ you foolish idiots

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For these people it’s all about their magic sky daddy. They truly don’t care about facts, science, life, or anything other than their religion and making as much money as they can of course even if it means tax evasion

They’re all out in the open now and I hope voters are paying attention. We simply can’t afford to lose the country to these idiots

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In the short term, some brilliant young filmmaker needs to take these circumstances and make it into a thriller no one will ever forget. So that when we’re on the far side of this shameless horrible gileadism some time in the future, people will remember this history and say, it was like TITLE, only real.

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