These gun toting idiots realize that people on the left also have guns, right? It won’t necessarily be a walk in the park for them if they try to start a war. How many of these idiots, who refused to serve in the military, will run for cover when the shooting starts.

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Oh yeah that’s one super-intimidating, “manly” cohort there: in their khakis and Izod shirts… 🤣😂

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What is wrong with these ridiculous hateful people?

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Sounds about right to me.

And like everywhere else that had a crisis of birthing a dictator and to borrow a phrase; meanwhile, the band played on. Scary, much?

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Obviously the big dorks in the picture above won't be needing any birth control. 😏

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So sick of these idiots.

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These are not “conservatives.” Conservatism is still a position of the Republican Party. These people are outside the workings of democracy because they favor an alternative form of government: tyranny.

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I am here in Europe, i would like to do two podcasts about the USA. What I am searching for is a democrat who hasnt lost complete control over his head and a republican who isnt a 100% trump loyalist. I know its hard but i wanna reflect on the situation from an outside view.

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The Federal government coordinates with social media to silence dissent and is in bed with big Pharma and the GOP are the facists? Have you looked up the definition of facism?

Almost all politicians, left and right, are contemptible. This rant is shallow propagandist tribalism. This drivel, whether from left or right, is part of the problem.

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They’re literally saying they want to replace your unelected bureaucrats with their unelected bureaucrats. Your ilk have shoved down your policies on America for a generation. Now they think it’s their turn to do the same thing. It isn’t fascism. Everyone needs to turn down the rhetoric. Good grief.

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Nah, these people want to turn the US into a mafia state, like Russia. Trump doesn’t give a shit about white people, unless they are very rich. He’ll dump the nationalist white -trash wing of his movement once they are no longer needed

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023

We already have Fascism under Biden (mandatory vaccination anyone?), but under Trump it would be even worse. That guy is mentally ill, as are a lot of his followers. Trump is great at name calling (about the pinnacle of his mental powers) but not competent to run a country. The only candidate in the upcoming election worth voting for is Robert Kennedy Jr.. He can draw votes from both sides.

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I have my Biden/Harris lawn signs but I’m afraid to put them out. I have put my STD (Stop the Donald) sign out and have my fingers crossed for our safety. And I’m serious about my fear. But I will drive over nails to get to my drop box to vote against every Republican running for any office.

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Scared shitless!

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Yup, Some of this reminds me of a Segment of Open Space that my School implemented back in the early 70’s. You choose what segment and then, when that was done you choose another. For me it was a way I liked to learn. One such was War Crimes & Other Atrocities. That in turn led me down to add another segment, etc. At the time I was steeped in how Hitler & Mussolini came to such power & I thought at the time that I’m glad we don’t ever have to deal with this again. How wrong I was.

It’s scary shit to see this unfolding again in a place that’s my country, I don’t want to see a repeat of it. I do think more people should be looking at this but like anything else The Fascist, MAGA & the broken GOP are caught up thinking they’ll have no opposition, & that is their first mistake. Knowledge is right there, pick it up and share it.

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I doubt all Republicans, or even a majority, would support Project 2025, and a mere 28% of the voting population is Republican.

I don’t see this having much support. But I said the same about Trump.

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