GI Joe wannabes…so pathetic (and dangerous).

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They are just so very weird!

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The worst part is, the department of justice is shielding these pricks from consequences. Most of the top of republican party should be in jail by now. For treason, if nothing else.

I mean - What else do you call taking money from Russian spies? Business as usual?

Not to mention their whitewashing the lies about the last election, or januari 6th ..

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It’s gotten this far in our country because of one man: Merrick Garland! He’s been dragging his since day one!

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Little boys with little p@n#ses

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WOW. Just WOW. And just—AWFUL.

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Kinda looks like these guys either rode their bikes to this “event” or their moms dropped them off with lunch money.

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It looks like that kid stole the Red Baron’s glasses. Snoopy needs them.

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Wow just found this. It's scary and I have no reason to believe Project 2025 will not be put into place if Teump wind nor do I doubt a violent reaction if they lose in November. They've already showed America their dress rehearsal

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…how fucking pathetic our country is… we went from front runners for civil rights movement of 60-70s to politically passive and finally politically impaired people, NAZIS taking our country state by state and school district by school district WITHOUT ANY RESISTANCE and only NAZIS on the march while democrats applauding Biden and waiting for a “blue wave”, we can’t just live in a democracy from election to election we have to sustain its progress, there’s no such thing as “status quo” in political climate, shit either goes “up” or “down” and we are in a such a deep hole that only delusional people can think elections alone can fix the country


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These gun toting idiots realize that people on the left also have guns, right? It won’t necessarily be a walk in the park for them if they try to start a war. How many of these idiots, who refused to serve in the military, will run for cover when the shooting starts.

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I mean, look at these kids in the top photo. Really? I’m not scared one bit.

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I think we can take they/them if it comes down to it.

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Oh yeah that’s one super-intimidating, “manly” cohort there: in their khakis and Izod shirts… 🤣😂

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What is wrong with these ridiculous hateful people?

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Sounds about right to me.

And like everywhere else that had a crisis of birthing a dictator and to borrow a phrase; meanwhile, the band played on. Scary, much?

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Obviously the big dorks in the picture above won't be needing any birth control. 😏

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