It never ceases to amaze me how these christofascists can value the potential of a clump of cells over a functional, contributing, voting, and tax-paying adult.

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Because they are threatened by women having gained the right to control our bodies, which gives us all the other rights we’ve fought for, for decades. Strong women, especially women of color, are unacceptable. So is recreational sex for women. Of course cis men can do whatever they want; they can’t get pregnant. And, we’ve always known it’s about control, not life. If it were about life, these fuckers would get vasectomies, and be against capital punishment and the unimaginable proliferation of guns in this country.

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Hi Paula

I vote that any MAN who opposes abortion should be neutered.

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And that any WOMAN who actively seeks to ban abortion and/or thwart reproductive rights in ANY way for other women and girls immediately be sterilized by force. They’re part of the problem, too. Voting against their own gender, their own best interests (and that of their daughters, granddaughters, etc.).

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Correct, Cheryl. Such traitorous women should not be allowed to reproduce!

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Never thought I would see this happen; kind of in shock.

How about castration for rapists too?

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Goes without saying, Debbie!

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I'll second that motion!

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Why won't they ban Viagra for the safety and health of men?

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Because it’s not about what they say it is. Of course.

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Along with filing the suit in Amarillo, Texas, a rectal exam and 3 days wait must be required for the safety of men who use this dangerous medication.

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It sounds shocking when you put it that way. I guess we are so used to their bullshit it’s become normalized for us. Like rape culture.

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All that, plus the eternal and wishful idea that everyone can and will achieve, despite ongoing evidence that this is not true. You can have tons of potential (intelligence, talent, good looks, etc.) but what you do with that raw material depends on circumstances, location, opportunities presented, skill in recognizing and making the most of those opportunities, being in the right place at the right time and, sometimes, dumb luck.

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Every place is the right Place to Either Accept or Reject! POSITIVELY ALL OF US can STEP UP AND BE COUNTED IN THE GOOD COLUMN!🇺🇸🌵

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Or You can Have both Street and Intelligence. Education an Opinion, Good versus Evil , Triumph over Tragedy. Kindness to All, Love And Goodness, Poetry And Illiteracy, Hope VS. Adversity, Success Over Failure Good V.S. Bad, or the least among us…the Children over All..

We Are All In This TOGETHER, We Can Feel ALL, I Be All or We can Suffer the Gift of Evil over Acceptance…OR WE CHAN CHOOSE LIGHT OVER DARKNESS…WE HAVE SEEN IT AND NOW ITS TIME TO SOW IT!🇺🇸💪🏽💯

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Or just expose his teeny little weeny!

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They don't like people who are already born, so they pretend to care about the fetus' because it doesn't cost them anything to lie about it.

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And people who aren’t born don’t like them either…eventually.

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This paternalistic, control-freak, power-mad GOP makes me want to vomit. Any female who votes for a Republican should see a psychiatrist as she has serious lack of self esteem and self respect. I, for one, refuse to go back 100 years. I’m old now but I had an abortion in my 20’s and have performed many. Never regretted it for a second. The GOP can kiss my ass!

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FFS. An ACORN is not an OAK TREE. Try using that logic on the rubes and hillbillies and watch the blank-eyed stare you get in return. They can’t even understand THAT, so how will we ever get it across the their little pea brains that a blastocyst is not a child? Every day that passes just is sinking me deeper in the Republican mire! I am just sick and tired of being sick and tired of these christofascist idiots.

In happier news, I did cancel my New York Times subscription yesterday, and I gave the young man a (polite) earful as to exactly why. I know it probably won’t do any good, but it WILL quit raising my blood pressure ten points every time I look at another one of their Trump-loving headlines. So there’s that.

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Jul 4Liked by ClaudiaLong

Well said 👏👏👏 and I just cancelled my NYT as well. They have done NOTHING to fact check Trump or his cronies. It’s sick

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Maybe hand them over a physical blastocyst and tell them to keep it alive in their home for just a few days… ? 😜

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so a tadpole is not a frog? a maggot is not a fly, a fetus is not a child, a clump of frozen cells are not a person, say it isn't so!

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Cynthia, you forgot the /s at the end of your fine statement. There, fixed it for ya! 😇

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Love this.

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Ha! I did the same last month 😁

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I'm sorry I did not read that Editorial. My Vote is No NO NO!!!!

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Excellent write on how Women are literally being ABUSED with their rights to make their OWN decisions regarding FAMILY matters and their OWN BODIES.

It’s the religious ignorance driving this show.

So, maybe men shouldn’t have sex anymore, cause I don’t see them having any laws that they can’t have a vasectomy…

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The number of rape cases has skyrocketed in states that enacted this draconian laws.

And the back log of rape dna testing is unacceptable and getting worse. Texas, looking at you….

Just for reported rapes, the likelihood of prosecution/conviction and jail time is very small. Vote for your rights and your lives.

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All of this is so disturbing, and thank you for shedding a light on this! I’ve proposed this before, but if this kind of fuckery continues to pummel women, we need to push to create a national database to collect and register DNA of every male in the country, so they can be tracked and held responsible for any pregnancies, regardless of how they happen. This would ensure that the mothers and the children would be financially supported because the forced birth a-holes don’t believe in supporting the child beyond the minute they are born.

How do we do it? Adult males will have their state and gov’t IDs revoked (SSN#, driver license/state ID, credit/debit cards, bank accounts frozen) until they register as an adult. They can’t drive or hold employment until registration is complete. Blood samples of all newborn males must be submitted to the database before leaving the hospital. This registry establishes accountability, placing part of the burden and responsibility on the other half.

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Only ADULT males? I mean, by the time a young boy gets sexually active, he can impregnate a woman/girl…

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Rita, read the rest of my comments that covers newborns 😉.

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Just reread your comment, you’re right I must’ve skipped over the phrase where you said that “blood samples of all newborn males must be submitted…” My humble apologies 🤭🫣🤐

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It’s all good 😊.

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Will do 😉

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Never gonna happen. Until women take over!

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A most Excellent idea!!!

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These hypocrites want a child born, but then refuse to fund school lunch programs.

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🎯They never put their money where their mouth is!

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When they tell you who they are, believe them.

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This fight against reproductive rights, abortion, birth control and fetal rights have been coming since a the 80's. I have been at the front if this fight. Face to face with bombs, harassment, bomb and threat of death for those in the thick if it!

I met Dr Gunn and his wife before he was murdered going to work. Before he was gunned down, he provided late term abortions for women facing death if he didn't intervene.

Operation rescue tried killing my pets, followed me to school at the U of M.

We must fight to the death if we are to reinstate the laws that have been turned backwards. We must make sure women can g we t birth control and abortions if needed.

We ust FIGHT, FIGHT FIGHT! We must take to the streets. We must protest.

We must get every seat filled by REAL democrats in NOVEMBER!

We MUST reelect President Biden.

We must take the far right as serious as they are to "put women back in their place" and before they turn our democracy into a theocracy!

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Thank you for your important work over the decades.

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Wow, me Martha?! Thank you!

I have been happy to fight the fight. However, now I am just exhausted, lonely and my mental health has me scared and frustrated with the current political and religious climate here and around the world 😪

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Totally understand being worn out and worn down by politics and I haven’t done ANYTHING like what you’ve been through💝

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So now everybody and his brother can take a tax credit for each and every zygote they have frozen in storage, since it’s now officially a child, right?

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And that child support…

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So...if woman freezes 100 embrios, she can deduct 100 children on her taxes, yes?

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That’s the way I understand it

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You have to understand that abortion opponents LOVE the idea that women are cold hearted sluts who get pregnant just so they can have an abortion. And it's not a bloody enough fantasy to consider the truth, that most abortions involve taking some pills that induce a miscarriage, and that this happens months before the pregnancy is advanced enough that the fetus is viable outside the womb.

We can't have anybody thinking it's as simple as that. No, we've got to conjure up images of helpless infants being slaughtered the moment their shoulders clear the birth canal, or 35-week fetuses being gruesomely extracted piece by piece just for the hell of it, because some evil woman hates babies and her doctor likes to kill things.

In other words, they are untethered from the pesky concept of reality that the rest of us live in.

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They always conjure the worst that never actually happens to justify their control. Republicans do it all the time.

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Here's the source for the start of that horseshit.

"In the months before the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade, the Willkes published How to teach people the pro-life story, a modern-day sales manual on how to effectively market the movement. It was a play-by-play on how the Willkes communicated pro-life arguments so that other speakers might follow their lead. As described in the book, they never showed visuals of embryos less than six weeks old because “the audience may change their minds from their conviction that this is a human life.” They began their lectures with pictures of babies nearing full-term and subsequently moved through the fetal development process in reverse chronological order, asking the audience with each image: is this still a human? Their intention, as explained in the book, was to start with a picture that resembled a human to anchor the audience in the belief that they were looking at a living, breathing person."


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You are overly dramtic. There are NO EVIL Women in Any delivery room!!

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I beg to differ. That b*tch nurse who kept telling me to just relax, it wasn’t that bad was evil incarnate.

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Do you work in labour and delivery? If not, please be quiet. You know NOTHING.

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Who is this directed to? I birthed three children and helped deliver my oldest grandchild. I know a bit about labor and delivery.

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It’s directed to John Lake.

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Why? She can’t recall her own experience? That’s just ignorant

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John Lakes’s comment is thé ignorant one.

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I don’t know who you’re talking about.

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You obviously never worked on an OR with Fundie nurses, they are a plague.

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OMG, it just hit me.... Where are these embryos stored? In swing states? I know what they're gonna do, they will register these embryos, with their personhood & rights, to vote! It's part of their master plan!

JFC... 10 years ago, I would laugh at the ridiculousness of this idea, my imagination, because the idea is absolutely ludicrous! But we've all been through so much tomfuckery over the last 8 years, NOTHING is impossible & the most unimaginable has & is happening. Dear Lord, I pray I am so wrong.🙏🤞🙏

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IVF legislation primarily affects the upper middle class. I count 3 women in my neighborhood who used it to have their children and they’re all raging republicans..

My underlying motive to sit back and let the Magas go after IVF is nefarious. I want to hit THEM where it hurts. I want them to understand the cost to government getting involved in this very private decision.

I want to nail them in their hypocrisy.

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I do too. It's immportant to make the way that IVF works as public as possible and let them be hoist by their own petard. I'm not against the process, just the hypocrisy.

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So, if someone cuts the power towards the freezer that contains those fetuses, he/she will be charged with MASS MURDER? 🤔

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Right…and, 5 years later, if some monster with an automatic weapon forces his way into their kindergarten class and mows them all down, that’s just the price we pay for our freedom, right? /s

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Well, that doesn't matter. As I said in my comment, once the baby's born they lose all interest. It has nothing to do with a respect for life.

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Yeahh, they’re only “pro-life” until the baby is born. After that, it has to fend for him/herself…

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We hope Not

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Oh my gods! For those of us not Christian, we are being subjected to someone else’s religion. Science be damned. Yes, cruelty is the point.

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Believe me, the people who have come up with this shit are NOT Christians, I know many who call themselves Christians because they go to church, going to church does not make you a Christian, it's the way you live your life that counts, church has nothing to do with it.

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Nailed it!!

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You nailed it. These xtian nationalists are on par with the Taliban

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